Herbalife Vs Visalus – Who Wins in the Battle Between Herbalife Vs Visalus?

Herbalife Vs Visalus – Who Wins in the Battle Between Herbalife Vs Visalus?

There are two big competitors in the race to dominate the health and wellness sector on the internet – namely through nutritional drinks and shakes. Herbalife and Visalus are compete head to head with two of their most popular products: meal replacement shakes.

For network marketers who are just entering a booming health and wellness industry, it can be tough to choose which company may be best able to assist you in creating wealth with your home-based business. It’s not an easy decision. This is a small review of how the two companies’ flagship products compare, and how you can decide which opportunity is right for you.

Round 1 – Price of Herbalife Vs Visalus

Herbalife beats out Visuals in the first round. While Visalus’ flagship product, Body by Vi (meal replacement shakes) cost $59 for a supply of 30 servings, Herbalife’s flagship, Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, costs only $34 for the same amount.

Round 2 – Nutritional Value of Herbalife Vs Visalus

Herbalife wins in this round too – while both companies provide high-quality products, Herbalife contains 19 extra ingredients that are said to optimize health, including herbs that act as antioxidants, fiber supplements, and protein supplements.

Round 3 -Taste Challenge

While it’s all relative, Herbalife offers more taste options, like Cookies ‘n Cream, Cafe Latte, and Tropical Fruit. But Visalus offers a “blank canvas” of Sweet Cream, that allows the user to add in their own flavor mix-ins that can be purchased by Visalus. This might mean extra revenue for the Visalus representative with the “upsell.”

Final Round – Success Rates of Independent Representatives – Herbalife Vs. Visalus

While this is still undetermined, the truth is that both products are worth joining if you are someone interested in becoming a network marketer. The health and wellness industry is booming, and it turns out that sales revolve less around the actual products. Results are greatly dependent on the individual associate or representative. Most products in these lines consist of similarly-priced products that provide the same benefits.

So the biggest question isn’t which company to choose as you enter network marketing, but how to market your products to both new recruits and new customers.

Marketing is a skill that can easily be learned with the right teacher. It’s important to seek out quality advice from experts on the subject – those who have succeeded before you. With the right materials, anyone can learn to become a successful network marketer in companies like Herbalife and Visalus.