MLM Formula – A Fast Track to Success in Network Marketing

MLM Formula – A Fast Track to Success in Network Marketing

As Robert Kiyosaki writes in his book “The Business Of The 21st Century” network marketing is the Business of Relationships.

Old school MLM philosophy was sell the product, then recruit. This belief caused the death of many a network marketer. The use of warm markets and cold calling were also failed teachings. These old school techniques might capture 1-3{4b1fe63123713d31487550d3441c07e511f9c896d21719779d3ce493da6269bd} of your leads as either customers or associates losing 97-99{4b1fe63123713d31487550d3441c07e511f9c896d21719779d3ce493da6269bd} of potential income, never to be recaptured, reducing residual income for the future.

The only way to build a strong relationship business is to have a strong marketing formula (MLM Formula). A strong MLM Formula is one that uses the technology to generate fresh leads (just a few hours old), targets a proven and genuinely interested market, it allows you to prove yourself as a leader, and will give you immediately an income source, build future incomes also know as residual income as well. It also recaptures that 97-99{4b1fe63123713d31487550d3441c07e511f9c896d21719779d3ce493da6269bd} of previously lost income potential for an immediate income source, which allows you to reinvest in your business. Robert Kiyosaki maintains that residual income is required to build a successful network marketing business.

A strong MLM Formula allows you to spend more time on income generated activities (IGA), there are only two IGAs’, they are selling product and signing up associates. Robert Kiyosaki says ” The goal is not for you or any other individual to sell a lot of products; its for a lot of people to be their own best customer, sell and service a reasonable number of customers, and recruit and show a lot of other people how to do the same thing”.

A good MLM Formula automates your efforts, and is totally duplicable for your down line, which increases your income and that of your down line. A strong MLM Formula uses all the technology available to enhance your potential and you’re down line potential. It uses auto responder to maintain contact with leads, blogs to promote you, articles to promote your opportunity, and capture pages to generate fresh leads for your business.

A strong MLM Formula promotes your leadership and relationships with your only real value in your business, your Ink, your leads. Remember the only tangible you own is your lead list and the relationship you have with them. It is the relationship that creates real income now, real value now, and residual income for your future. A strong MLM Formula will move you from the 20th century into the 21st century, with more potential than ever before. Mr. Kiyosaki says “In network marketing, the whole point is not to sell a product but to build a network, an army of people who are representing that same product or service to share with others.

For more information on MLM Formula check: